HomeWORLD NEWSJapan's PM Slams Putin's Nuclear Threats on the 78th Anniversary of Oppenheimer's...

Japan’s PM Slams Putin’s Nuclear Threats on the 78th Anniversary of Oppenheimer’s Bomb Destroying Hiroshima

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida declared on Sunday that Japan would keep working toward a world free of nuclear weapons because it is the only country to have experienced atomic strikes during a war.

Putin has threatened to use nuclear weapons to resolve his 18-month confrontation with Ukraine, and the leader of the only nation to have experienced such a strike spoke out against it on Sunday morning.

The speech of Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was given on  the 78th anniversary of the Hiroshima atomic bombing, which claimed the lives of over 140,000 people and injured 74,000 more.

In his speech, Kishida denounced Russia‘s threats to strike the West and Ukraine with nukes.

At the ceremony on Sunday morning, Kishida declared, “Japan, as the only country to have experienced atomic blasts in war, would continue efforts towards a nuclear-free world. The international community’s growing divides over nuclear disarmament and Russia’s nuclear threat make the way there more challenging.

The “Little Boy” nuclear bomb’s 78th birthday coincides with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threat to use Russia’s nuclear arsenal against Ukraine in the nearly 18-month conflict.

According to American sources, there is no hard evidence that the Kremlin has adopted a nuclear strategy.

Hiroshima’s mayor, Kazumi Matsui, demanded the destruction of nuclear weapons and chastised the G7 for the practice of nuclear deterrence.

Nearly 500,000 people attended the service to remember those murdered in the bombings, and there was a moment of silence for those slain by Oppenheimer’s bomb. Along with the UN secretary general, António Guterres, who supported Kishida’s appeal to eliminate nuclear dangers, war survivors were also there.

During the ceremony, he made words that were read out by a UN representative. “World leaders have visited this city, seen its monuments, spoken with its brave survivors, and emerged emboldened to take up the cause of nuclear disarmament,” he said. “More should do so, as nuclear war drums are once more beating.”

The Manhattan Project, overseen by Julius Robert Oppenheimer, who is frequently referred to as the “father of the atomic bomb,” was where the first nuclear bomb was developed during World War II at the Los Alamos Laboratory.

Oppenheimer, a theoretical physicist, bore the honor and the responsibility of being one of the key architects of the bombs that ended the second World War but also resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

Following the release of Christopher Nolan‘s megahit “Oppenheimer” on July 21, it was made public that the scientist portrayed by Cillian Murphy in the movie believed the bomb might have genuinely wiped out humanity. According to Oppenheimer, the atomic bomb might have set the atmosphere ablaze, effectively engulfing the entire planet in flames. Oppenheimer, however, asserted that the likelihood of this occurring was “near zero,” which was not what the other decision-makers desired to hear.

The bomb dropped on this day 78 years ago today instantly killed thousands of people and approximately 140,000 people by the end of 1945.

To the best of the author’s knowledge, this article is accurate and true. Content should not be used as a substitute for consulting with a lawyer or other qualified advisor in topics of business, finances, law, or technology. It is only for informational or entertaining reasons.



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