On a hot day in the middle of summer, an elderly teacher boarded a bus. In spite of the pain she was experiencing in her legs, she managed to stand up when she realized there was no seat available on the bus. The bus had just covered some distance when an elderly
woman called out to her very respectfully,”Come madam, you sit here” and made her sit on her seat.

The poor woman herself stood in the bus. The teacher prayed, “Thank you very much, I was really in a very bad condition.”
Hearing this, a relieved smile spread on the face of that poor woman. After some time had passed, the seat next to the teacher got free; however, the poor woman offered it to another woman who was traveling with a young child and was hardly able to handle the child. This woman accepted the offer.

At the next stop, the woman also got down along with her child. The seat was vacant again but the kind-hearted woman did not give in to the desire to sit there; rather, she made room for an elderly and frail passenger who had just entered the bus. After some time the seat was vacant again. Only a few passengers were left in the bus. Now the teacher made the woman sit near her and asked, “How many times the seat was vacant but you kept on making people sit and did not sit yourself, what’s the matter?”

The woman said, “Madam, I am a labourer. I don’t have enough money to donate anything.” So, what do I do to earn virtue? When any such situation comes in front of me and when I feel that I can be of use to anyone in this world created by God, then I do not miss that
opportunity like picking up a stone from the road ,I put it aside, sometimes I give water to a needy person, sometimes I leave a seat for someone in the bus, then when those people bless me, I forget my poverty, the tiredness of the day goes away. . What’s more, when I
sit on the bench outside to eat bread in the afternoon, these birds come and sit nearby. I put the roti in front of them after cutting it into small pieces. When they shout with joy while eating food, seeing those creatures of God fills my stomach, all my hunger goes away and I
feel a peaceful satisfaction. Even if you don’t spend money, I think you get blessings for free. There is only benefit, isn’t it? And what can we take away from this world of God? Therefore, wherever I can be of use to people, animals or plants, I do not miss that opportunity. The teacher was left speechless. she had learned such a great lesson of life from an illiterate looking woman. If half the people of the world adopt such thinking then the earth will become heaven.

What to understand by this

 Nowadays money and other greeds have dominated the relationships in the form of selfishness, but we should try to strengthen the relationships

Most of the people are living their lives thinking only about themselves, but we should remain alert while thinking about ourselves, in our society, looking around us and keep helping whoever needs help.
Nowadays in the society, the foundation of relationships is becoming very weak, whether they are close relationships or distant relationships, nowadays money and other greeds have dominated the relationships in the form of selfishness, but we should try to strengthen the relationships. We should not let them scatter but should keep looking for opportunities to keep them together.
After the dense darkness of the night, the shining rays of the sun in the morning give us the message that no matter how dense the darkness is, light definitely comes, some people always remain depressed seeing their shortcomings, their mood always remain down. They always feel a weakness within themselves due to which they always remain irritable, people around them also consider it better to keep distance from them and there are some people who mostly look happy and satisfied. Does everything always go well in their life? No, problems keep coming in their life too, there are ups and downs in relationships, but such people always try to keep their thinking positive in every situation, due to which they remain stable even in difficult times. It is not that they don’t feel sad, it is there and it happens as much as any person feels in their sorrow, but due to their strong positive thinking, they do not let that sorrow dominate them. Two aspects of living life bring happiness and success in life, one is how you manage life when you have nothing and how you behave when you have everything. We should keep providing support of strength and power to the people around us who are under the influence of problems and feel weak, frustrated and incapable, and this can be done only by those who themselves are filled with a powerful feeling of positivity .



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