Four people are feared dead in Australia following a military helicopter crash in Australia,Investigation...

The cause of a helicopter crash that officials believe may have killed four missing members ofthe Defense Force is being looked into by the...

Xi Jinping To Officials In Rare Xinjiang Visit : Promote Islamic Sinicization

Xi Jinping made a rare visit to Xinjiang on Saturday, urging officials to preserve "hard-won social stability" in a volatile province where Beijing is...

Solar storm warning: a CME struck Earth Today, more are approaching.

On September 17, a CME (coronal mass ejections) struck Earth, but no geomagnetic storm materialized. On September 19, another CME is anticipated to make...

According to scientists, leprosy could be endemic in Central Florida.

A recent study suggests that the dreaded disease leprosy, which plagued ancient civilizations, may have settled permanently in Florida. The 54-year-old guy described by the...

Xi Jinping’s cleansing of the military system continues

A growing number of high-ranking officials are arrested The military system in China has been under more pressure from President Xi Jinping, which has resulted...

French daredevil Remi Lucidi “dies after falling off a skyscraper in Hong Kong”

According to the South China Morning Post, Remi Lucidi,30, was last observed Thursday pounding on the window of a penthouse on the 68th story of...

Trump has been indicted and will appear in court on charges of attempting to...

Trump has already faced an indictment. This period is unique, according to historians. It was the first time in American history that a president or...

China cautions Southeast Asian nations against acting as “external forces” pawns.

China's foreign minister Wang Yi, issued a warning to nations in Southeast Asia against acting as pawns for "external forces" that stir up conflict...

Japan’s PM Slams Putin’s Nuclear Threats on the 78th Anniversary of Oppenheimer’s Bomb Destroying...

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida declared on Sunday that Japan would keep working toward a world free of nuclear weapons because it is the only...

CHINA : why its leaders are not acting quickly to revive the second-largest economy...

Numerous difficulties are affecting China's economy, including trade conflicts, declining growth, mounting debt, and environmental concerns. However, unlike in the past, China is not...