Putin & Kim’s Unspoken Conversations: Reading Between the Lines

Putin and Kim Jong Un appeared to be the best of friends as they shook hands and smiled, but there were also covert, subconscious...

Human expeditions to Mars aboard nuclear-powered spacecraft to begin in 2027.

Nuclear-powered spacecraft exhibit considerable potential as a technological advancement that could provide expedited and enhanced exploration of the solar system, with a particular focus...

China proposes a daily smartphone screen time cap for children of two hours.

Chinese regulators have put out regulations that would cap the amount of time that persons under the age of 18 can spend using their...

Consultation input for Petroleum Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2 2022)

Following a 12-week period of consultation, the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) has produced a response to comments on the draft...

Google will now alert you if your sensitive information is exposed online.

The way you control your personal information on Google's search results is changing, and this is done to improve user privacy and protection. The...

Major solar explosion For the first time ever was felt on Mars, the moon, and...

For the first time ever, instruments in various regions of the solar system all managed to collect radiation from the same coronal mass ejection. The...

Farmers in Western Australia are experiencing “anxiety and fear” due to Labor’s proposed revisions...

According to National Party leader David Littleproud, pastoralists and Indigenous Australians are being "divided" by new rules in Western Australia pertaining to the conservation...

China is currently courting the governor of Badakshan as part of its ongoing interest...

China has reportedly sought to establish a relationship with the Taliban in order to exert influence on the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM). This...

According to scientists, leprosy could be endemic in Central Florida.

A recent study suggests that the dreaded disease leprosy, which plagued ancient civilizations, may have settled permanently in Florida. The 54-year-old guy described by the...

China takes a step toward challenging US ocean supremacy.

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) researchers have made a ground-breaking discovery by revealing an ultra-sensitive magnetic detector that can detect minute signs of highly...