Xi Jinping’s cleansing of the military system continues

A growing number of high-ranking officials are arrested The military system in China has been under more pressure from President Xi Jinping, which has resulted...

India Surges as 5th Superpower, Outshining China: A Triumph of Determination

Azali Assoumani, President of the Union of Comoros and Chairperson of the African Union (AU), stated during a news conference on Sunday that India...

China cautions Southeast Asian nations against acting as “external forces” pawns.

China's foreign minister Wang Yi, issued a warning to nations in Southeast Asia against acting as pawns for "external forces" that stir up conflict...

Xi Jinping To Officials In Rare Xinjiang Visit : Promote Islamic Sinicization

Xi Jinping made a rare visit to Xinjiang on Saturday, urging officials to preserve "hard-won social stability" in a volatile province where Beijing is...

Wagner director,Yevgeny Prigozhin, is mentioned in Russian jet disaster that has no survivors.

Wagner chief,Yevgeny Prigozhin, the most powerful mercenary in Russia, was on board the jet that crashed on Wednesday night north of Moscow, according to...

China is currently courting the governor of Badakshan as part of its ongoing interest...

China has reportedly sought to establish a relationship with the Taliban in order to exert influence on the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM). This...
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China has conducted a series of military exercises in the region of Taiwan .

In response to the visit to the United States by Taiwanese Vice-President William Lai, Chinese military forces started moving closer to Taiwan on Saturday....

CHINA : why its leaders are not acting quickly to revive the second-largest economy...

Numerous difficulties are affecting China's economy, including trade conflicts, declining growth, mounting debt, and environmental concerns. However, unlike in the past, China is not...

Human expeditions to Mars aboard nuclear-powered spacecraft to begin in 2027.

Nuclear-powered spacecraft exhibit considerable potential as a technological advancement that could provide expedited and enhanced exploration of the solar system, with a particular focus...

China takes a step toward challenging US ocean supremacy.

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) researchers have made a ground-breaking discovery by revealing an ultra-sensitive magnetic detector that can detect minute signs of highly...